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The school uniform consists of a red sweatshirt with the school logo on, grey or black skirt/trousers and red polo shirt. In addition we have the options of a red fleece with the school logo on which can be worn outside. 





Alternatively you may wish to send your child in a plain red jumper/polo shirt or cardigan. Please do try and keep to to the school colours of red only to help our children feel part of a team and look smart!




A school book bag is a must for bringing home all their home learning and reading books!




Uniform is available from 'Term Time Wear' (St Johns Road, Huddersfield, HD1 5AY). The shop is open Tuesday to Friday 10am to 5pm, with a late night on Thursdays till 7pm and Saturdays 9am to 5pm. 


Alternatively you can order on line at with delivery charges of £3.50 for up to 3 items and £5.00 for over 3 items.

Uniform Exchange aims to encourage the people of Kirklees to recycle and donate old school uniform items rather than putting them in the bin. There are many families across Kirklees who no longer receive a school uniform grant and would benefit from your generosity. 


To request free school uniform, please follow the link below:


