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Harmony Class

Harvest Festival - Well done to all the children in Harmony class for their performance at the Harvest Festival, I am so proud!

Earn dojos for reading at home -please look in children’s book bags for Harmony class challenge to boost dojos by reading at home

Science - Today it was all about touching. The children had to feel the objects and describe how it felt!

Science- This week we have been learning all our taste buds. We got to try some food. 🍋🍪🥖🍿🍌

Trophy’s This Week 🏆 We won the most class dojos in school. Our year2 superstar has won the 4Rs trophy for his amazing reflection in school.

Year 1 Jigsaw: Responsibilities in our school

Year 2 Jigsaw: Responsibilities in our school

Science in Harmony class learning about different kinds of sounds we can make

Geography: mapping out a route around school using photos

Food tasting in writing today, to inspire amazing adjectives in our work

Practical maths today using equipment to show different ways to find 1 more

An eventful trip to watch a train pass by, for Ks1

Year 2 children busy designing their own colour monster


Class reminders


smiley  Don't forget to write your names in all clothing.


smiley  Guided reading takes place every day so please remember your book bags.

     If you want to read at home you can also read lots of books online at:


Ideas for learning at home


  • Write your numbers to 20, can you count forwards and backwards?
  • Practise writing a sentence using a capital letter, finger spaces and a full stop
  • Read your reading book with a grown up and talk about the key events and characters in the story 
  • Build a model and draw a labelled plan 
  • Create something using your imagination; a collage, a model, a puppet, a painting! 