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Welcome to KS1 information to Parents July 2024

Welcome to Bees 2023/2024


Bees is our first year of full time school. It is a special year for your children where they grow and learn so much! We look forward to reaching for the stars this year! 


The adults in our Early Years Unit are … 

Miss Burke,  Miss Blackburn, Miss Hancox, Mrs Armstrong, Ms Brook, Miss Doyle and Miss Hutchinson.

We are here to help and support so come and chat to us any time!


Class Reminders

  • We visit the library weekly and participate in daily guided reading so please bring your book bag every day.
  • Please label ALL your clothes.
  • We work outside so please come dressed with sensible clothes. 
  • We love to hear what you have been up to out of school, remember you can upload to your child's Evidence Me learning journey through the app at home.


Home Learning 

What a fab sports morning all the Bees children have had. They all did amazing! πŸ†πŸ

We have had lots of fun learning outdoors this week 😊

Writing about our Holidays

Shapes in Maths


We have had FLM in bees and butterflies, the theme was History and Geography. We have been so busy with the different jobs in our classroom, we enjoyed it so much!

What a busy week we’ve had in Bees this week! 🐝

Look on our Berry Brow Facebook page for more pictures from world book day 😊

This week we celebrated pancake day early and enjoyed eating yummy pancakes in the classroom. Ask your child which topping they picked to have on their pancake! We have also been busy with lots of other jobs, drawing daffodils and doing some amazing writing and maths. We hope you all have a lovely break and we will see you after the holidays 🐝

What a busy week we have had! Look at all the amazing art work our children have done. We have been watering our plants daily and they are now starting to grow, take a look at the pictures below 🐝

Look at the fantastic paintings we’ve done in Bees this week in the style of Kandinsky! Wow..... We have also been using our fine motor skills to thread beads onto string and then count them. Ask your child to tell you all about what they have been learning this week 🐝

We have had another busy week in Bees being little artists learning to create art in the style of Kandinsky. We have also been getting better at knowing that plants need sun, soil & water to grow. Ask your children what they have been learning about 😊

What a busy first week back we’ve had! The children have enjoyed planting their own seeds so we can watch them grow throughout the term. Just a reminder please could you send children in warm coats, hats & gloves as well as shoes suitable for outdoors as we will continue to do our outdoor learning in all weather, even snow! 🐝

We wish you all a very Merry Christmas! 


We cannot believe we have done a full term in school! We want to thank you for your continued support to us and your children, we all love working with your children and have had a great term. We have had a very good week this week enjoying parties and Christmas together. Please see a few photos from todays party and a little Christmas challenge! Have a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from everyone in the Early Years Team. 


Also a massive Thank you for all your kind cards, words and little treats. They are all appreciated. 




Thank you to everyone who came to watch our wonderful nativity today! I am sure you will agree that they were superstars 🌟

What a lovely treat we had in Bees this week..... A visit from the Owls! πŸ¦‰ All the children behaved so well and they were all really brave as they each got to hold one!

An important date for the diary ...

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas ... today we enjoyed the snow!

We have been very busy in Bees this week decorating our classroom making it look all festive πŸŽ„. Remember to send your child in a warm coat, hat, scarf and gloves now the weather has changed as we are still doing lots of outdoor learning 🐝

Christmas Card List (see evidence me) and Christmas dates for the next month.

We can write!! Look at our amazing writing all about the Gruffalo!

We raised money for a great cause today! We had a spotty afternoon!

The children have been very busy in Bees this week. Ask your child all about what they have learnt during circle time with Jigsaw Jenny. Don’t forget to send your child to school with a warm coat, hat and gloves now the weather has changed. Thank you 🐝

What a busy first week back we have had! We have been learning all about different shapes in maths as well as developing our fine motor skills using different types of scissors to cut out shapes 🐝

We hope you all have a lovely half term and a nice rest. We look forward to seeing you in the new term for lots more learning. 🍁🐝

Phase 2 Sounds - All the sounds we know so far!

Still image for this video

Here are the sounds we know, so you can practise over the break ...


We baked like 'Little Bakers' today!


We have been bakers in Bees! It smelt SO good across Berry Brow Infant and Nursery School this afternoon!


Now that we know our story 'The Little Red Hen' we have been learning what a recipe is and how to follow them. Then today we put all we have learnt into action to bake our very own tasty bread

We were better friends than they were in the story and we worked as a team and all had a role to play. Then the best bit was eating the bread we made! It was SO tasty ... we ate it all before bringing any home! Why not try and make your own bread at home?


What another busy week we have had in bees! We have been using our fine motor skills in the playdough area making things linked to our story. The children have been busy in the construction area as well as learning lots in our maths area using different resources to help them count 🐝 Don’t forget to send your child in a warm coat, hat and gloves now the weather has changed as we still do lots of our learning outdoors 🍁 Thankyou.

Our Families

We have had another busy week in Bees having lots of fun learning. Now the weather is changing please remember to send appropriate clothing and footwear for outdoors. 🐝

In Bees we have enjoyed walking around school looking at key areas and landmarks on the outside of school that we can see including the bus stop and castle hill. We have also been busy inside mixing different colours to paint with as well as getting busy in the construction and creative area 🐝

We have had another busy week working indoors and outdoors. We have been sorting and comparing different amounts in Maths. With Coach Alex we have been learning how to move in different directions and doing careful balancing 🐝

In Early Years it has been very colourful the last couple of weeks. We have been learning the names of colours, to use colours and how to mix different colours. We have loved painting both indoors and outdoors. Look at our BRILLIANT artwork 🌈 There are some other photos here to show you all our other learning with our new friends too! We have had a great couple of weeks and we are always learning.

We have had another busy week in Bees outside enjoying our new Trim Trail as well as lots of learning indoors in the construction and role play area 🐝

Our New Trim Trail ...


We are lucky our sports premium funding helped us buy a new trim trail to help our physical development! We loved using it today! 

What a very busy first full week we have had in Bees. We have done lots of singing, getting creative in the creative area and enjoying outdoor jobs whilst we’ve still had the lovely weather 🐝

Our first week in Bees 🐝 we have had the BEST time!

Wednesday is library day ...



Important information  - print out coming soon! 


Welcome Back 

We are back to it! Welcome back! We have loved welcoming some friends into school and have more coming! Watch this space over the coming weeks. We are so pleased to see everyone πŸ˜ƒ

