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2023 Early Years Transition

This page is set up for our new families joining us at Berry Brow in both Nursery and Reception. All transition information and activities will be uploaded to this page on the website. Keep coming back for more information. 

If you would like to speak to Miss Burke (Early Years Leader) regarding transition into our setting please contact the school office on 01484 663965 or 


We are excited for you to join our Berry Brow family! 

Class email addresses … 


As we mentioned in both ‘New to … meetings’ here are our class email addresses should you want to share something with adults in schools. 

šŸ¦‹ Nursery Children (Butterflies)


šŸ Reception Children (Bees) 


You can use these emails to share information with the class adults. For anything urgent / absences please use 

Thank you to everyone who has been to our transition events! We have loved meeting you! We cannot wait for September!

New to Early Years Meeting Presentation (Reception Starters)

School Lunches at Berry Brow 


If you are asking the questions ... Will my child eat at school? will my child be able to carry the tray? Will my child be okay at lunchtime? The answer is YES to all of these questions. Alison and her team in our kitchen put on a range of meals options so there is something everyone will like and she gets to know your child's likes and dislikes. She gets to know if they like big or small portions. She gets to know if they like their ketchup on their chips or at the side. 


As part of our transition process you will be able to sign up to come and try a lunch before September. We hope you will be able to come ... 

Photos of our tasty school lunches ...
