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Keeping Safe Online

Keeping Safe Online at Berry Brow ...




At Berry Brow we are committed to supporting your children and our families to keep safe online. At school the children have a lot of input on the importance of staying safe online and how if something worries them they MUST tell a grown up. Jessie and Friends is a great resource we use across Berry Brow to help everyone from our youngest children in nursery know how to stay safe in our ever-changing digital world. 


At home enjoy sharing the videos and songs below as a good starting point for talking about internet safety. Here are some other great links to support you at home when keeping your child safe ...


Parental Controls 

Jessie and Friends videos and activities

Keeping your under 5 safe online

Gaming - what parents / carers need to know


If you have older children at home try this link ...


Play Like Share


Here are some family activities for you to enjoy together at home ...


Home 'online safety' activities
